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Madagascar staff

SEED's staff in Madagascar work on the ground to design, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate projects, either independently with its local staff or alongside partner organisations. Collaboration between international and Malagasy teams ensures projects and programmes are underpinned by both essential regional knowledge and international best practice - both necessary to achieve our goals. SEED's specialist international staff and volunteers build capacity with local staff members and partners to promote sustainability.

Core staff

Lisa (1).jpg Lisa Bass Director of Programmes and Operations

Lisa joined SEED Madagascar as a volunteer in 2007 before returning in 2008 to complete policy and procedure work across the NGO. Inspired by the team and work they were doing, Lisa became the Director of Programmes and Operations for SEED Madagascar in 2009.

Since then she has led the international team, jointly developing the organisation together with the Malagasy management team in implementing cutting edge projects and ensuring that SEED is leading development innovation, research and learning.

tsina-endor.jpg Tsina Endor Deputy Director

Tsina started as Secretary to the Director in 2005 before taking on the role as the Head of Volunteering in 2007. In 2017, she became Head of External Relations, Communications and Compliance.

From October 2019 Tsina became Deputy Director of the organisation, taking on a new and even more varied role, liaising with partner organisations and the government as well as operational responsibilities. Tsina likes meeting new people and making friends from all over the world.

IMG_6824.jpg Boniface Razanamara Responsible of Finance

Boniface is from Fort-dauphin and studied Finance and Accounting in Antananarivo. After his graduation, he started his career as an Accountant and then a Finance Officer at an International NGO. Boniface likes to make a positive contribution towards the growth of an organization through personal development and achievement of organizational goals.

Boniface is excited to be responsible for finance at SEED and motivated be part of an organisation that has a vision for sustainable development in his hometown.

IMG_6819.jpg Joeline Razafimihanta Senior Finance and HR Officer

Joeline is from Fort Dauphin and studied Accounting and Finance at the Lycée Technique in town. After completing her studies in 2015, she worked as an Administrative Assistant at the Kaleta Hotel before joining SEED Madagascar in October 2016.

Since then, Joeline has been working for SEED Madagascar as Financial and Administrative assistant.

valiantsoa-razafimamonjy.jpg Razafimamonjy Valiantsoa Hanitriniaina Finance Assistant

Valiantsoa joined SEED as a Finance Assistant in February 2020. She studied Management and accounting at the Institut formation profesionel et technique Anosy (IFPTA), in Fort Dauphin. Prior to joining SEED, Valiantsoa worked as the chef de piste at Galana and caissiere at CECAM.

She enjoys employing the skills and knowledge she has amassed from her education and experience, to help SEED work towards its aims, while supporting her family.

IMG_3164.jpg Omega Mampionona Finance Assistant

Omega joined SEED in 2021 as a Finance Assistant and is a valued member of the finance team. Prior to working for SEED, she studied at the Lycée Technique in Fort Dauphin before getting a job at Sharp enterprise de construction as a finance assistant.

Omega’s passion for SEED stems from her respect for its diversity and sectors of programs, as well as its culture and values.

Giscard.jpg Giscard Esperant Andrianatenaina Accountant

Giscard joined SEED’s finance department as an accountant in August 2022. He studied at the University of Toamasina in Tamatave where he studied Management with Finance and Administration. Previously he worked at Doctor’s for Madagascar from 2017 to 2021, where he held the position of Administrative and Financial Manager.

Giscard is motivated by SEED’s aim to help vulnerable families and work in the development sector to improve communities through projects. He is an asset to the SEED office.

Lara.jpg Lara Downes International Operations Manager

Lara graduated from Norwich School of Art and Design with a BA Honours degree in Film and Video. She has spent the past 10 years working and volunteering for different charitable and development organisations. Her previous roles in the charity sector have included fundraising, marketing, and event management. Lara applied to work for SEED because of the organisation's community focus and holistic approach.

Elina 1.jpg Elina Farah Ramanandraibe Senior Administration Officer

Elina is from Fort Dauphin and has a Master One in Marketing and International Trade from ESSCA Antananarivo.
She previously worked as an Airport Handling Agent for Madagascar Ground Handling and as an Administrative Assistant and Purchasing and Supply Manager for SRAF. Elina joined SEED Madagascar in January 2023 as our Senior Administrative Officer.

Charlie Rohde.png Charlie Rohde Operations and Administration Officer

Charlie recently graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. He is passionate about development, society, the environment and, above all, people. Charlie is excited to work as part of a dedicated and forward thinking team, to spend time in an amazing country and to contribute positively to the mission statement and vision of SEED Madagascar.

Bella.jpg Bella Armstrong Operations and Administration Officer

Bella graduated with a degree in Environmental Science and International Development in 2022. During her degree she focused on public health policy, aquatic biology and chemistry, and methods in sustainable development. Her dissertation focused on the carbon impact of a new UK trainline and assessed the carbon offsetting goals.

Now working for SEED, she's excited to be a part of such an incredible team and apply her knowledge on sustainability and development in context to south-east Madagascar. She hopes to help SEED continue to grow and continue their programs.

Tahina_Nomenjanahary.jpg Tahina Nomenjanahary Office Assistant

Tahina joined SEED Madagascar as Office Assistant in the Finance Department after working for ONG Azafady, where she helped with office mantainance.

She likes the experience she has gained at SEED and ensuring good communications around the office.

evariste-ramaroson.jpg Evariste Ramaroson Senior Logistics and Procurement Officer

Born in the city of Fianarantsoa before moving and growing up in Fort Dauphin, Evariste joined SEED as Senior Logistics and Procurement Manager in 2009. Prior to this, he studied at the University of Fianarantsoa before working in a number of construction and environmental roles in and around Fort Dauphin.

Evariste is responsible for overseeing the logistics of all our office and bush related needs, managing the equipment that ensures the organisation and our programmes continue to run smoothly. He has particularly loved the additional experience SEED has allowed him to gain in sustainable environment, education and development.

parfait-mahasolo.jpg Parfait Mahasolo Logistics and Procurement Assistant

Parfait was born in the commune of Ranopiso near to Fort Dauphin, joining the organisation under its previous name, Azafady in 2013 as a day guard. After completing his baccalaureate in 2017, Parfait became a Finance Assistant with SEED, learning computer skills and the experience needed to become part of the Logistics team.

He likes working for SEED because of the support they have given him to develop his skills and learn to use a computer.

Bodoniaina_Ratsimbazafy.jpg Bodoniaina Ratsimbazafy Office Assistant

Before, I was a customer assistant and a customer advisor. Since June 20, 2019, I work for SEED Madagascar because I love humanitarian work, experience, communications, serving and help. I think I can do it all at SEED Madagascar.

charlie_reid.jpg Charlie Reid Media and Communications Officer

After graduating with a BA Honours degree in History from Nottingham Trent University, Charlie worked in a number of media and comms roles spanning the private and third sectors. Following a 2 year period volunteering as a Communications Manager for a UK based human rights organisation, Charlie returned to university, completing an LLM in International Law and Development at the University of Reading. During his time there, he chose to focus specifically on the role communications can play in progressing development initiatives, going on to intern in the ComDev department of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in 2022.

Charlie has joined SEED as our new Media and Communications Officer, and will be using his combined knowledge of comms and sustainable development to further grow our online presence and keep our supporters up to date with our work on the ground in Madagascar.

IMG_3872.jpg Tolotra Carnot IT Officer

Tolotra started his career with SEED Madagascar as a Media and Marketing Officer for the Malio project in 2014. In 2017, he became the Community Loan Officer for the Tatirano Project. In 2019, Tolotra became the Auditor de Done for project Mada Madio. Since 2022 Tolotra has been SEED's IT Officer.

Dan Wood small-min.jpg Daniel Wood IT Consultant

Since initially joining SEED for three weeks as a construction volunteer in 2012, Dan can't seem to get away from the organisation. Impressed by SEED's holistic development and grassroots approach, he later spent a year as a field volunteer coordinator, before taking up his current role in 2019.

With a degree in Computer Science and twenty years experience as a Web Developer, becoming an IT/Media specialist in Madagascar was a slight career change for Dan, but a fulfilling one. A Madagascar lifer, he can usually be found programming websites, wading through swamps, or endlessly filming lemurs.

Oscar.jpg Oscar Rabemalasa Guardian

Oscar has worked as a Guardian at SEED since 2017. An integral and wonderfully positive member of SEED’s operational department, Oscar appreciates the love that SEED staff show for their work and for each other and believes that this is the foundation upon which a friendly and welcoming office environment is built.

IMG_9833.jpg Hajanirina Mosa Albert Language and Translation Coordinator

Haja was born in Mahajanga and raised in Fort-Dauphin. After his baccalaureat in 2016, Haja studied English at the English Center of Tolagnaro. He had a volunteer job at the American Corner which really helped widen his experience and skills. Haja is elated to now be part of SEED's staff working as the Language and Translation Coordinator.

manga.jpg Odesinie Razafinambinina (Manga) Cleaner and Chef

Manga joined Azafady as a Chef Assistant in 2005. Since Azafady's transition into SEED in 2016, Manga has worked as a cleaner and cook at the SEED Office in Taolagnaro.

A constant and central figure in SEED's Operational Department, the work that SEED does to enhance the capacity of individuals and communities in fulfilling sustainable environment, education and development goals in the Anosy region would not be possible without Manga's tireless efforts.

Community Health staff

mamy.jpg Dr Mamy Soafaly Andriatsihosena Head of Community Health

Since 2003 Mamy worked as a mobile doctor, spending four years visiting remote villages across Anosy. Since 2006 he represented ONG Azafady as Executive Secretary for the regional WASH committee and became Project Coordinator for Mampisaina in 2008.

Dr Mamy was then promoted to Head of Community Health, overseeing the implementation of SEED’s community health initiatives. Mamy has felt himself develop professionally and enjoys working with the international staff in the office.

Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 7.51.07 PM.png Lola Yusuf Head of Programmes - Community Health

Lola joined the SEED team in October 2022 as Head of Programmes - Community Health. From 2017-2022, Lola progressed from intern to Programmes Manager at a UK-based humanitarian aid organisation that worked with and through local partners in conflict and post-conflict zones. During this time, she held organisational responsibility for partner and donor management, programme fundraising, and project development. With experience living and working overseas in high-risk areas, working directly with communities and community-based organisations, Lola brings valuable knowledge of facilitating locally-led development programmes. She holds a BA in Geography from Newcastle University, UK.

Patrick-Razafindrainibe.jpg Patrick Razafindrainibe Project Manager - Food Distribution

Patrick has over 24 years of experience working on rural environment projects. Before joining SEED, he was Project Manager for a Malagasy social safety net state programme, which was affiliated with the Development Intervention Fund. He was responsible for the development of communities affected by climate change, called KERE in the south.

In 2021, Patrick joined SEED at the start of a new project concerning KERE (Food Distribution). Initially, he was a Programme Coordinator and later became Programme Manager as the project expanded. Patrick is proud to work at SEED having saved more than a thousand children experiencing malnutrition across eight sights in Fort Dauphin through the Emergency Food Distribution project.

He graduated with a diploma in Community Development from the University of Majunga.

Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 10.08.32 PM.png Arabella Henderson Senior Programme Officer - Safidy and Food Distribution

Arabella recently completed an MSc in Paediatric and Child Global Health at the University College of London. Her dissertation focussed on the potential function of app technology improving maternal health, through her analysis of symptoms reported by a cohort of pregnant Jamaican women. Prior to that, Arabella worked as a Healthcare Support Worker at Great Ormond Street Hospital and graduated from Durham University with a BA in Anthropology and Archaeology where she focussed on the intersection between culture and health. Alongside her studies, she has spent time volunteering for a range of development organisations which led Arabella to SEED. She is excited to work with an experienced and vibrant team to provide community driven development across Fort Dauphin.

Jassica Enum headshot.JPG Jassica Enum Programme Officer - Safidy and Food Distribution

Jassica graduated from the University of Hertfordshire with a BSc in Biomedical Science in 2023. Before this, she was Project Assistant for a community-based palliative care NGO in Teyateyaneng, Lesotho, and has been eager to return to the field ever since. Alongside her studies, Jassica completed a 13-month placement at a specialist HIV pharmaceutical company supporting scientific and medical education activities. She has also worked in youth empowerment, gender health equity, patient advocacy, and health economics.

Passionate about achieving health equity and advancing sustainable development across the African continent, Jassica is excited to learn from the team at SEED and support community-based interventions throughout Fort Dauphin.

Lalaina_Ratombotsoa.jpg Lalaina Ratombotsoa Technical Support Officer - Project Safidy

Lalaina studied agronomic science in Antananarivo. After graduation, he started his career as Area Supervisor in the Kaominina Mendrika Salama approach within the Catholic Relief Service in 2009.

In 2015, his professional adventure continued as a technical manager in a Usaid / MIKOLO project. Lalaina is really happy and motivated to work with international and national multisectoral teams and above all the interdependence of all to achieve objectives.

Since 2018, Lalaina has been responsible for partnership and commitment within SEED Madagascar in the implementation of the Safidy project in which he is very involved in.

madagascar-gerard.JPG Gerard Andriatsiory Project Coordinator - Votsira

After studying rural development, Gerard went on to specialise as a Technical Manager in healthcare in Toliara providing support for those living with HIV. He joined SEED in 2014 to manage Project Safidy within the Community Health department which works to improve sexual health education through student peer educators in Fort Dauphin.

Gerard enjoys working with like-minded individuals and is impressed by the strong sense of team-spirit and solidarity amongst his colleagues.

Ndrina_Andriamahadison.jpg Ndrina Andriamahadison SRHR Network Officer

Ndrina worked with NGOs (ASOS and Ny Tanintsika) in the Vatovavy Fitovinany region for 3 years as Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. This passage has especially reinforced his experiences on the functioning of NGOs. Activities focused on community health and WASH.

Ndrina joined the SEED Madagascar team in June 2019 as Regional Representative in Antananarivo. Since then he has moved to the Safidy project as a network officer.

‘Give a hand for sustainable development’

Shira.PNG Shira Garbis Programme Officer - Safidy and Votsira

Shira completed her BA in Political Science and International Development at McGill University in 2022. In addition to her academic focus, Shira’s experience with community led projects and initiatives- including racial justice organizing and refugee integration, has made her passionate about sustainable and locally led development.

Shira is pleased to join SEED as a Community Health Programme Officer and enjoys facilitating holistic and community driven development in Fort Dauphin.

IMG_20230801_150318.jpg Mamonjisoa Tsilahatsy Senior Community Liaison Officer - Food Distribution

Mamonjisoa joined SEED in 2016 as a Community Liaison Officer for the PHE project, which enabled rural communities to self-maintain their wells and retain long-term access to clean water. Since then, he has worked on numerous projects within the organisation and currently works on SEED’s Emergency Food Distribution Project as a Senior Community Liaison Officer.

Before joining SEED, Mamonjisoa was a fishing technician for the NGOs Cielo Terra and Aquatic Service. In addition, he was an assistant Municipal coach for DIREAH and UNICEF.

It was SEED’s community-level work that attracted Mamonjisoa to the organisation as he likes to work on implementing social development projects at this level.

Lauren Hodgson Portrait.jpg Lauren Hodgson Senior Programme Officer - Community Health

Lauren graduated from the University of Queensland in 2023 with a Master of Public Health, specialising in global health and nutrition. Her thesis focused on the health impacts of climate change in subsistence fishing villages across Micronesia and consolidated her passion for planetary health and sustainable development.

Lauren joined SEED in 2021, where she primarily works on maternal and child health and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) projects.

WASH and Education Infrastructure Staff

Lomba (1).jpg Mahalomba Hasoavana (Lomba) Head of Construction

Lomba started working for ONG Azafady in July 2001 as a guide on the Pioneer scheme. In 2006 he was appointed as Team Leader where he successfully coordinated a latrine construction project for ONG Azafady in Fort Dauphin until 2009.

He was promoted to Head of Construction in October 2010, and oversees the implementation of the NGO's various construction initiatives including schools, classroom furniture, wells and latrines.

Bernard.jpeg Bernard Koto Construction Team Leader

Bernard joined SEED with several years of experience as a carpenter and mason (and a special talent for rendering) and has been working as the construction team leader for over 23 years!

Bernard appreciates the SEED atmosphere, working alongside his colleagues, and building education and WASH infrastructure for communities in southeast Madagascar.

Tafa.jpeg Mahatafa Herisoa (Tafa) Construction Site Supervisor

Prior to his time at SEED, Tafa worked as a carpenter and mason. Tafa joined ONG Azafady in 2000 and has been working as construction site supervisor for SEED for over 13 years.

Tafa enjoys working at SEED and is motivated by the projects he works on, helping to deliver improved access to health and education across the Anosy region.

Nambi.jpeg Sedy Nambinina Raholdina (Nambi) Construction Logistics Officer

Nambi has a license in Ecotourism from Esseva in Vakinankaratra. Nambi has been working on the Sekoly team as Construction Logistics Officer since 2020.

Nambi enjoys the environment at the SEED office and plays a key role in the delivery of Programme Sekoly projects.

nary.jpg Andrianarivelo Zafindrazana Charlier WASH Officer

Nary worked with Catholic Relief Services in Ambovombe before joining SEED in 2011. He started as Agricultural Extension Manager within the sustainable livelihoods department, overseeing all rural activities including upland rice cultivation training and vegetable gardens.

Nary joined the community health team in December 2011 as Health Education Manager and now coordinates various health education activities.

1-Mikayla Reimer.jpg Mikayla Reimer Senior Programme Officer - WASH and Education Infrastructure

Mikayla has a BA in Global Studies with concentrations in International Development and Peace and Conflict Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. During this time, she completed an internship at a youth livelihood NGO in Saint-Louis, Senegal, and had been eager to get back in the field ever since. Mikayla then obtained her Master's in International Cooperation and Development at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore's Graduate School of Economics and International Relations in Italy. Her thesis focused on the nexus of WASH and education in southeast Madagascar, informed by her experience at SEED.

Nicole.jpg Nicole Littlejohn Senior Programme Officer- WASH and Education Infrastructure

Nicole has a BA in Global and International Studies Honours with a specialization in International Development from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. During her degree, she completed an internship in Italy at Florence University’s Action Research for Co-Development Lab where she worked as a research assistant and focused on topics such as social impact assessments of various development initiatives within the country. Nicole also joins SEED with a professional background in adult vocational training, and research experience within the non-profit sector on menstrual hygiene management in South Asia.

Now part of the WASH and Education Infrastructure Programme, Nicole is excited to apply her knowledge in a grassroots community context whilst working alongside national and international staff in Taolagnaro.

2-Alice Giardi.jpg Alice Giardi Programme Officer - WASH and Education Infrastructure

Alice has a BA in Foreign Languages (English, French and Spanish) Applied to International Trade from Université Savoie Mont Blanc, and an Erasmus Mundus Joint MA in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) from the University of Groningen and the University of Warsaw. Her Master's thesis focused on sustainable business models in the South Pacific.

She has studied and worked in Italy, France, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden, and is excited to now be in Madagascar!

Ranomafana---HARIMALALA-Julia---Promoteur-Enakara.jpg Julia Zafindrahava Harimalala Senior Community Liason Officer

Julia joined SEED in 2019 with several years of WASH experience, having previously worked for UNICEF. Julia leads the delivery of reusable pad-making sessions in schools, an integral element of the Sekoly Programme which teaches students how to make their own cost-effective and sustainable menstrual products.

Julia’s favourite part of her job is interacting with the students and being in the communities in which SEED works.

Giona min.jpg Giona Randriamanampy Senior Community Liason Officer

Before joining SEED Madagascar, Giona worked with CARE International surveying for their Project FIHAMI and later in an administrative role.

Giona now works as a Senior Community Liason Officer in the WASH department and he is passionate about social action and sanitation development. He particularly enjoys WASH and environmental education.

theo.jpg Theodore Rakotonirina Head of Schools

In 2004, Theodore became a Social Organiser for ONG ASOS, raising awareness of STI-HIV / AIDS among young people, as well as fighting malnutrition in young children. He has since been a Credit Officer for GRET and a Social Mobilisation Assistant for CARE International. Theodore returned to Fort Dauphin to work for PIC Project as a Consultant for urban development before joining SEED as a CLO Manager for Project Malio. Since then he has had various roles in the WASH and Community Health teams.

Theodore wants to develop his knowledge and experiences working with an international team.

SEED_headshot.jpg Daniel Hanberry Programme Officer - WASH and Education Infrastructure

Daniel has a B.S. in Biology from Berry College in the United States. While there he worked as a research assistant with studies involving the spread of tick and arthropod-borne disease in the southeast US. His final year he served as the founder and student director of his college’s contact tracing office during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Daniel went on to obtain a Master of Science in Global Health with concentrations in infectious disease from Duke University. During his program he spent significant time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, researching Ebola diagnostics and public opinion of Covid-19. His master’s thesis characterized the risk factors for transmission of respiratory infection between humans and
habituated bonobo populations at the Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary in Kinshasa, DRC.

Having worked in conservation, infectious disease, and public policy - Daniel is excited to apply his passion for community-centered approaches and international development and work with SEED’s WASH and Education Infrastructure team.

 Conservation & Rural Livelihoods staff

laza.jpg Laza Andriamboavonjy Head of Environmental Conservation & Rural Livelihoods

Laza has always had an interest in the environment and wildlife, so he looked for opportunities to improve his capacity and put into practice his learnings. Before joining SEED in 2016, Laza worked as a technician and representative for the French association Un Filleul Pour Madagascar, where he taught students about tree nurseries.

Previously the coordinator of Project Ala, Laza was promoted to Head of Department in 2021.

Annelin Verkade-min.jpg Annelin Verkade Head of Programmes - Conservation and Rural Livelihoods

Annelin graduated from Leiden University in 2017 with an MSc in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. For her Master’s thesis she conducted research on the consequences of land concessions in a national park in Cambodia. Throughout her studies she has been interested in sustainable livelihoods; she has also worked on a sustainable livelihoods project in Nepal.

Annelin joined SEED in 2019 as a Programme Officer, before being promoted to Senior Programme Officer and later Head of Programmes.

madagascar-sylvestre.jpg Sylvestre Mbola Rural Livelihoods Coordinator

Sylvestre joined ONG Azafady in 2002 after working across a variety of conservation and rural livelihoods programmes. In 2007 Sylvestre progressed to the role of Team Leader across the organisation’s conservation and natural resource management programmes in Sainte Luce.

Throughout his time in the area, he developed close relationships with local communities and in 2011, Sylvestre took on the role of Sainte Luce Community Agent. 2013 saw Sylvestre tackle Project Oratsimba before joining SEED as Rural Livelihoods Coordinator.

Georgie.jpg Georgie Bradley Senior Programme Officer - Project Ala, Project Palms and Sekoly Maintso

Georgie holds a BSc in International Development from the University of Reading and an MSc in Environment and Development from the University of Edinburgh. Her Masters thesis focused on small-scale methods of food production in fragile and conflict affected settings. Before joining SEED, Georgie worked on both rural livelihoods and environmental sustainability programmes as a Research Assistant, she then developed programme management experience working for an international development consultancy. Georgie is excited to be part of SEED’s community-driven approach to development and to be part of a close-knit team.

IMG_6818.jpg Manoary Mandimbiraza Senior Community Liaison Officer - Project Ala

Manoary graduated from the University of Fianarantsoa with a master's degree in Private Law in 2012. In 2016, Manoary worked as an Administrative and Technical Assistant for the ADRA Asotry project in Fianarantsoa and then later in 2019 he was a Madagascar national park field agent in Ambalavao.
Manoary joined SEED in February 2022. As a native of the Anosy region, Manoary likes to share the knowledge he has acquired throughout his career, as well as his experiences of living with the communities of this region.

Haussman min.jpg Gerard Haussmann Project Sekoly Maintso Coordinator

Haussmann studied agronomy at the University of Antananarivo before going on to work for YMCA and L’Agence Capsule, also in the city. Haussmann joined SEED Madagascar in 2018 as a beekeeping technician for Project Renitantely, and was promoted to Sekoly Maintso Coordinator in 2021.

He likes working for SEED, as an organisation that helps the poorest in the region improve their income whilst helping the environment Haussmann is passionate about.

Paula Amour Paula Amour Project Mahampy Coordinator

Paula worked with Stitch Sainte Luce from the outset, initially as a translator before becoming Project Assistant. Paula developed her English and French language skills working in the hospitality industry in Fort Dauphin and is now an accomplished embroider herself.

Supporting her family as a single parent, Paula is a wonderful role model for young women in the community who regularly ask her for informal advice on a range of matters.

In 2019, Paula moved to Project Mahampy, to continue working with women in Sainte Luce.

20230526_151859.jpg Paul Allen Programme Officer - Project Ala, Project Palms and Sekoly Maintso

Paul recently graduated from the London School of Economics with an MSc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies. His Master's dissertation focused on the role artisanal mining plays in the livelihoods of rural, Congolese women. Paul also has a BSc in Geography from Lancaster University.

Paul is particularly interested in the linkages between the environment and development. He is excited to be working for SEED due to their community-driven programming.

juvenal.jpg Juvenal Eliasy Project Renitantely Coordinator

Juvenal grew up in Fort Dauphin and graduated from Lycée Pole with his Baccalauréat. He worked for various organisations where he received training in facilitation, communication and staff management. He joined ONG Azafady in 2010 where he worked as a community agent on a number of projects.

In 2017 he became the Community Liaison Officer for SEED Madagascar's Livelihoods Department and later, Coordinator for Project Renitantely. He enjoys this role because he gets to work closely with people.

PXL_20230309_102302226~4.jpg Rosie Dupont Programme Officer - Project Mahampy and Renitantely

Rosie graduated from Sussex University in 2020 with a BA in International Development, working as an intern in the SEED London office as part of her degree. Rosie has always been passionate about development, and was originally drawn to SEED for its dedication to the sustainability of projects through community involvement.

Having gained experience volunteering and working with NGOs based in southern and eastern Africa, Rosie has developed a special interest in sustainable livelihoods and social enterprises.

20230630_150831_iPhone 14 Pro Max~2.jpg Ralison Solofondraibe Nambinintsoa Project Oratsimba Coordinator

Namby graduated from the University of Fianarantsoa with a Masters in Social Sciences and Development in 2011, after this he worked for microfinance programmes in Haute Mahatsiatra. In 2019 Namby began working for the NGO Aquatic Service, assisting with an initiative to scale up Early Warning Systems for the fishers of the Anosy and Androy Regions.

Namby joined SEED as Project Oratsimba Coordinator in March 2022. He continues to enjoy working closely with the fishing communities of the Anosy Region, supporting community development and sharing the knowledge he has gained throughout his career.

Bio_ALE_headshot.jpg Alex Lee-Emery Senior Programme Officer- Project Oratsimba

Alex holds an Msc in Water Science, Policy and Management from the University of Oxford and a Bsc in Oceanography from the University of Southampton. He previously worked with the United Nations ESCAP and the Commonwealth Secretariat, focused on natural resource management and development finance policy.

At SEED, Alex is excited to work on community-led environmental governance and development. He joined the Conservation and Rural Livelihoods Team as a Senior Programme Officer in May 2023.

EK photo.jpg Ellie Kimber Programme Officer- Project Oratsimba

Ellie completed an MA in Environment, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex in 2022. Since then, she has spent time working for an NGO in Bangladesh as part of their climate action team, assisting projects aimed at making communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

Ellie looks forward to contributing to the community driven work at SEED and is excited to tackle development and environmental issues through a holistic approach, where people are at its centre. Ellie joined SEED as a Programme Officer in June 2023.

Vaya.jpeg Razafinanjo Vayah Jennyssen Camp Chef

One of our longest standing staff members, Vayah joined SEED when it was Azafady in 2007 and has been with us ever since. Working closely in Sainte Luce with our SCRP team, Vayah has looked after many volunteers and SEED staff with her fantastic cooking.

She loves dancing at bush parties with the team and finds joy in cooking for everyone. She appreciated the easy transition in her role from Azafady to SEED and the job security it provided. From her role, she is able to support her family and send her children to school.

Conservation Research & Volunteering staff

madagascar-samhyderoberts.JPG Sam Hyde Roberts Executive Conservation Programme Coordinator

Sam is an aspiring evolutionary biologist and passionate conservationist with a broad range of taxonomic interests. Having worked on a diverse array of projects across the globe, Sam has returned to the UK to fulfil the role of SEED's Executive Conservation Programme co-ordinator.

Sam wishes to further investigate the effect of habitat loss and deforestation and contribute to the long-term survival of Madagascar's exceptional biological diversity. Parallel to his research work Sam is a keen wildlife photographer.

madagascar-hoby.jpg Hoby Tsimijaly Conservation Programme Team Leader

Hoby joined ONG Azafady in 2008 as a guide for Lemur Ventures and continued in this role when SEED's Conservation Programme was introduced. He became interested in Malagasy wildlife when a friend of his worked as a guide at Andohahela National Park and Hoby visited him every weekend.

Hoby enjoys working with the volunteers in Sainte Luce, sharing experiences with them and teaching volunteers about Malagasy biodiversity, traditions and culture. He can often be seen around camp playing music.

Natasha Evans.jpeg Natasha Evans Senior Research Assistant

Tash graduated from Edinburgh with a BSc in Biological Sciences with Zoology Honours in 2019. She spent a year as a research assistant in South Africa studying the behaviour and ecology of Cape Ground Squirrels. Tash then went on to do a MSc in Conservation and Biodiversity at Exeter University at the Cornwall Campus, where her dissertation focussed on using camera trap data to see how chimpanzee activity patterns were affected by human disturbance.
Tash is excited to be a part of the SEED Conservation Research Programme where she enjoys the field research and active conservation efforts.

Jasmine Duffell.jpeg Jasmine Duffell Senior Research Assistant

Jasmine studied Biological Sciences at the university of Reading and focussed her dissertation on medicinal plant phylogenetics.
After taking a year out to volunteer with charities; Archelon, protecting loggerhead sea turtles in Greece and delivering WASH projects in Nepal with Raleigh International, Jasmine specialised in botany, studying an MSc in Plant and Fungal taxonomy, diversity and conservation at RBG, Kew. Having spent time in Madagascar during her MSc, Jasmine is excited to be back in Madagascar working with SEED's conservation research team.

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Rebecca graduated from Massey University (New Zealand) with a BSc in Ecology in 2012. She has worked in a variety of ecological roles including in a zoo, a sanctuary, on islands, and with a consultancy. Her main focus has been the conservation of critically-endangered wading birds within New Zealand.

Rebecca has always dreamed of moving to Madagascar and contributing to the conservation efforts there. SEED's focus on community wellbeing and sustainability fits in with Rebecca's values and she is extremely excited to get involved.

Ralison.jpg Ralison Solofondraibe Nambinintsoa Conservation Research Assistant

Solo joined SEED Madagascar in 2007 and has now been working for SEED for 15 years as a local field guide, after becoming a member of FIMPIA (the locally elected forest management committee). In 2023, Solo became a Research Assistant in SEED's SCRP team.

Through decades of experience, Solo has cultivated a deep and impressive knowledge of the wide variety of Eco-systems in and around St Luce. Solo hopes to continue protecting the forests of Sainte Luce through research and data collection.

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Leo is a passionate field biologist and has worked on ecological research projects in many parts of the world. From studying bird migration to coral bleaching, camera trap surveys, and bat biodiversity, Leo is fascinated by all wildlife research. He enjoys meeting new people and tackling conservation challenges together with a wholistic empirical approach. Leo holds an honours degree in Zoology and an M.Sc. in quantitative ecology and conservation from the University of Glasgow.